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Iran threatens 'illegal' nuclear steps if UN imposes sanctions


Iran threatens 'illegal' nuclear steps if UN imposes sanctionsIran's top leader has warned that his country will pursue nuclear activities outside international regulations if the UN Security Council insists it stop uranium enrichment.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that until now, all Iranian nuclear activities have been within the rules imposed by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Under the treaty, a country has the right to make its own nuclear fuel — as long as the process is closely monitored. Tehran insists that it is developing nuclear technology strictly for peaceful purposes, to generate energy.

The UN International Atomic Energy Agency, which is responsible for monitoring the non-proliferation treaty, has complained that Tehran has restricted its inspectors, raising concerns that Iran might not be forthright about its intentions and may be trying to create nuclear weapons.

However, on Wednesday, Khamenei — who tops President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to wield ultimate say over Iranian policy — warned that if the United Nations takes "illegal actions" such as sanctions, "we too can take illegal actions and will do so."

Khamenei did not elaborate what actions Iran might take.

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